Here is the feeling, and you recognize it maybe only dimly: unhindered and unadulterated, it is joy-permeated expression. True expression, that engulfs, the way the sun would a fly, anything that would interrupt or sully it. We could call it free expression, but the word free does not apply here, because to be free, you have to be free of something. I use joy-permeated as a descriptor, but cautiously, understanding that for there to be joy there has to be the opposite of joy. For our purposes here, it will have to suffice, though it may only hint at what I'm trying to convey. I suppose that's all we can ever do when we consider the profound.
One of the reasons (and there are several) I'm fascinated by the video I'm about to present to you is because it is a wonderful example of that feeling and a reminder that it is available to us. Hearing a baby's laughter reduced in pitch to the point that it sounds like an adult sounds odd, even creepy, but only because it's rare we hear an adult who does so with such purity and abandon. When we do, our first inclination may be that the person is not right in the head. And perhaps by society's standards we may be right. Sometimes the world just plain feels inside-out.
So here it is. I've watched it many times, I'm not afraid to admit, and I'll watch it many more because it is a view into that other world that tickles around in our brains like fragments of old dreams. More simply put, it makes me fucking laugh real hard. If you're not similarly affected, then I suggest you take inventory of your life. This is gold, readers. Forget therapy: watch this twice a day, upon waking and before sleep, and you will be enlightened in no time.
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