Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on

I don't post much these days, as you can tell if you're a regular reader of this blog. I'm not one for making declarations, so I'll probably never come out and say I'm retiring, but, to put it bluntly, this has become somewhat of a chore for me and it's seldom that I feel inspired to write.

Maybe I need to shake things up, be more adventurous. This blog has been reduced to me recounting events in my life and not much more. Kind of boring, especially considering all the juicy stuff I leave out. And boring posts make me yawn and not want to write. And if I don't want to write, then what the fuck am I writing for?

So here's the deal: I do think I need to shake things up a bit if I'm going to continue. So stay tuned; if I'm inspired you'll be hearing from me. Otherwise....well, who knows.

Nighty, night

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