Tuesday, October 7, 2014

It's been a long time, now I'm coming back home

I've been staying at Spira's since Friday. She's sick and not getting better. We still don't know what she has, though lyme disease, hepatitis, and malaria have been offered up as possibilities by the various doctors she's seen. Every inch of her is in pain. Her joints are inflamed, she can barely get around. The fever hasn't let up since early last week. Last night there was some vomiting. Every day seems to add another symptom.

I hope we find out what the hell is going on so the road to recovery can begin. They gave her pain meds today; that is a start. I wish they had done that to begin with, but when we first went to Urgent Care the joint pain and the headaches hadn't arrived yet.

I'll stay at her place as long as she needs me to. I feel so bad, helpless.Still, I'm doing what I can, making sure she's as comfortable as possible. And I'm staying as positive and even-keeled as I can; I need to be stable for her. Occasionally, I'm able to make her laugh.

Alright, it's off with me. Need to pack a few things and head out.

Hare Krishna!

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