Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I've been let loose from the noose

Not sure I want to be writing tonight, if you don't mind this bit of candor. I'd like to go listen to a recoding I made earlier today and pursue relaxation in other forms. So we're going to lightning round this. Ready, friends? Great. And awaayyyyyyy we go!

No work today. Snow storm. About a foot. I did some recording. I smoked weed. I shoveled the driveway and then took a walk to the grocery store as the sky spit snow on me. It was the closest thing to an Iron Man type scenario I could manage given the weather. It was good exercise and I'm glad I partook.

The cold showers continue. Sometimes twice a day. Can't say I've noticed any noticeable benefits, but that's ok. At the very least, I'm getting  myself to engage in an activity that isn't always comfortable but makes me feel better for having done it. I try, as often as possible, to engage the peaceful warrior in me. I had a cold shower last night and I found myself grunting and growling like a samurai. Stirring the lion from its slumber. My yoga practice has reached a similar dimension; I'm feeling stronger than ever before and consequently have been able to robustly perform certain poses I couldn't perform before. For too long too much of me cowered before life. I'm pleased that I've moved away from that. It's been a journey.

And I'm out. Time to go do that stuff I mentioned doing. I hope you're drowning in ecstasy and peace, each and every one of you.

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