Monday, February 17, 2014

And when I want to kiss you, yeah, alll I gotta do is whisper in your ear, the words you long to hear

Sometimes it comes to pass that a few puffs are smoked while listening to Sabbath's Sweet Leaf. And sometimes on the heels of such an event arrives a blog post. I'm coming off a vigorous yoga session and I've just eaten a wonderful and fortifying meal (sauteed kale, black beans, and chicken along with left over home fries, mixed greens and sliced mango), so you'd think it's all systems go with this post. Think again. I'm not sure I'm that interested in writing tonight, but I'm here because it's been a while since my last post and for some reason, despite the fact that this blog is a ghost town concerning readership, I feel like it needs to be watered, so to speak, every once in a while so it doesn't shrivel up and die.

Here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to approach this post a bit differently, TV guide style, in an attempt to keep me invested. So let's Cheers and Jeers this bitch.


To me, for sticking with this post when I could have given up and watched fight videos on YouTube or something. I don't give myself enough credit for not being a lazy ass. For example, to the extent that the weather has cooperated ( and it has, oh, it has), I've created my own sporting event: The Winter Triathlon. First, you practice yoga for an hour, then you trudge about a mile through the snow and ice to the grocery store, and, back at home,you shovel the driveway. I've done it twice already. Take that winter! Speaking of winter....


To winter. You're just a fucking asshole. And a bully. Fuck you!


To Goffstown, NH. I just had to go to court to pay off a parking ticket I never should have gotten. I don't even want to talk about it except to say I'm glad it's over. Welcome to Goffstown, New Hampshire's taste of Nazi Germany.


To Sun Kil Moon's new album, Benji. Mark Kozelek has always been one of my favorite song writers, but he's taken things to another level with this album, particularly with his approach to lyrics. Every song is a heavily detailed, and often poetic, account of the events of his life.


To the new song I'm working on. It's coming together so seamlessly and I think I like it so much because it's a bit different than the way I traditionally write. Recording with Garage Band has given me a broader pallet. I hope to complete it this week. I'm excited about it but also bummed out that maybe only one or two people will actually listen to it. Which is why I keep telling myself to not bother posting songs on FB anymore. I haven't learned my lesson, I guess.


To my neighbor, Steve. That prick, that fucking ape, is constantly outside shoveling. And he has an uncanny ability to wait until I'm about to lie down to take a nap to start with his bullshit. He was out there today for over an hour. It hasn't snowed since Saturday! Doesn't matter. That worm was scraping and shoveling every nook and cranny of his already-shoveled driveway. When there was nothing left to clear, I watched him walk to the end of his driveway looking around for places to shovel. I could go on about his other bizarre shoveling habits, but I don't want to give myself a stroke. Go easy on the breeze, Kevin. Gentle, gentle...


The Big Three. I've been gobbling up the podcast, re-watched Windy City Heat, and every video I can find with Mole, Don, and Perry. It's gotten me through this awful winter. I laugh all the time.


To listening to Close To The Edge right now. Black Sabbath wasn't cutting it. Man, I love old Yes. 

Alright, puppies. I'm done. And look: I didn't skimp on the post.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I am looking forward to this new song you're working on and I have a feeling that it'll be well worth wait!
Also, if you're neighbor enjoys shoveling snow then send him up here to Manchester! We have more snow than we know what to do with so that should keep him busy (and out of your earshot) for a while. :D