Thursday, November 17, 2016

Wait for the answer to open the door

Yes, Trump is President. Yes, people are losing their shit over it. I'm trying, along with my wife, to maintain a respectable distance from the deep divide that has been unfolding in our country. Some of it feels organized, like there are dark elements operating in the shadows manipulating us in order to enact some foul end game. Who knows.


Married life. It's been wonderful; I do believe I have the best, or most bestest, as some might say, wife in the world. We've been together over a year and every single day together has been a joy. We've never had an argument. Some of you are thinking, "Well, sure, you're going through your honeymoon period." Maybe. When we were only together a couple of months, we were told, mostly by cynical fucks, that things would settle down, that "reality" would settle in soon enough. Over a year later and we're still going strong. It's not like we haven't had little bumps but here's the deal: I love Veronica and she loves me. We communicate well and love being together. That accounts for a lot.

Kikuchiyo is such a great cat. V wants another one. I'm game, but not sure it won't upset the balance. Will our little puppy kitty, our Baby K, resent another cat? Will he feel left out? I'm leaning towards him being cool with another family member, but it's hard to tell. One thing I do know for sure: he thoroughly enjoys all the attention we smother him with.

Can't remember if it's been brought up in this blog, but we no longer have roommates (Edit: clearly, I have brought it up, like one post ago. Oh, Kevin!). After years of having them, it's been an absolute joy having the place to ourselves. Fred moved out to live with his girlfriend in September and Andrew was asked by us to kindly find another place. Fortunately for us, he found a place real quick and moved out at the end of September. Funny how things work. Over the summer, we were plotting our move. We were sick of living with roommates but didn't think the ones we presently had would move out anytime soon. Well, they did and fuck, yeah!

So married life suits me well. V is the perfect companion for me and I'm perfect for her (at least that's what she says- heh!). Anyway, I've got to bail. I'll keep in touch.

Oh, yeah: Cannabis is legal in MA!!! Somehow, this amazing news didn't get the proper attention in these parts because of the Trump factor, Whatever. I, for one, am stoked. Rejoice!

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