Monday, May 30, 2016

When you're high you never ever want to come down

A long, quiet weekend. Veronica has been out in western MA getting more schooling in Ayurveda since Friday. Me and the kitty have done things like watch movies (Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Witch, Solaris) read from The Disaster Artist, the hilarious and touching book about the making of The Room, one of the best and strangest movies I've ever seen. We've, well, I've gone for bike rides (Saturday found me on the bike path riding through the oppressive heat deep into Arlington) and worked on music (I've got a song written on our baritone ukulele that has finally gotten some attention after gathering dust for a few months).

Veronica returns early this evening but then goes back on Friday for a marathon ten days. We're not keen about all this time apart, but we'll get through it. As interwoven as we are, we always endeavor to give each as much space to thrive within the relationship. Ayurveda is important to V and, despite her protestations about going (what can I say, she thinks I'm a cool dude to be around), we both agree this is the right thing for her to be doing.

So our little man town adventure will extend a bit longer. Me and baby Kikuchiyo will probably benefit from a woman's sensibilities by the time V is finished with school.

Okay, bye.