Monday, December 21, 2015

Living in the limelight, the universal dream

Veronica arrived home from  ten day trip Kripalu last Sunday feeling under the weather. Things rapidly went downhill from there. She ended up in bed for the next several days. I left work on Wednesday and took her to the doctor. Diagnosis: the flu. Well, actually, we're not totally sure, seeing how the results still haven't come back. Anyhow, if it was the flu, it wasn't the full on assault like the type I'm used to; no coughing or sore throat but every other symptom.

So that sucked, but she got better by the weekend and we took the opportunity to take it easy. We skipped out on her extended family's holiday party and lounged around like a pair of house cats. We read, napped, fooled around, watched movies (weird ones: Guy Maddin's My Winnipeg & Careful, the crazy Japanese psyschedelic haunted house story aptly titled House, and Neal Breen's Double Down, an unintentionally hilarious and strangely dreamy B movie). I worked on some music, she studied Ayurveda. It was our first weekend in a while that we were together or didn't have social commitments. The only time we went out was Saturday night. We went to Porter Sq. for some groceries and walked over to Christopher's for dinner.

I'm excited to see the new Star Wars movie, but getting tickets has been nearly impossible. I had hoped to see it with Spira, but she didn't want to accommodate Veronica's schedule and went by herself. Oh, well, I understand. It's a big event. Maybe V and I will go this week. Might be tough with Christmas rapidly approaching.

We'll stay at her parent's place on Christmas eve and then head to my grandmother's and then to my mom's on Christmas. It'll be a busy day, but I'm excited to spend it with her; it's our first Christmas together and thus it'll be special, I expect.

We're having our Christmas party at work today. It'll be my last; kind of sad, but I'm ready to move on. Only a  couple of more weeks.

Ok, I'm out. Hope to be back soon.

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