Monday, October 26, 2015

Hustle bones coming out my mouth

A great weekend. V and I took a relaxed approach to it; we walked to Union Sq. Saturday morning and got some doughnuts at Union Sq. Doughnuts  (salted caramel and bourbon was a highlight, but they all were) and coffee at Bloc 11.We lounged around the remainder of the day. I worked on music, we read, pursued amorous impulses,etc. Later on, we went out for dumplings and soup, visited our local adult store, hit Whole Foods for some supplies and baked treats (it was a decadent day it seems).

We talked about where we might like to move to in the spring and hashed out wedding ideas (didn't take long to arrive at what we want). We're so well matched; our decision making is smoother and quicker than I've experienced with anyone else. Ever.

Last night we sat and listened to the new Julia Holter record (holy shit it's transcendent!) and made a tasty lentil soup. We're passing two months as a couple and each day we love each other more.If this is the honeymoon period, I'm glad we took an extended one. I know at least a couple of you do not want to hear any of this, are not happy for my situation, but I don't really care. I'm with the love of my life and don't have time for what the kids like to call haters.

Oh, I could go on.

Time is short, though, so I'm out of here.

Bye, lovers!

Friday, October 23, 2015

All I want to do is get high on the beach

It's a slow day at work and here I am writing a blog. Bad boy, but not too bad; I'm spacing this out and not stealing too much company time all at once.At least that's how I'm choosing to rationalize it.


It's been a while since my last post. Being in a relationship, a full time for reals one, has shaken up my routine. Not in a bad way, no, but coming from years of bachelorhood, it's been an adjustment. Hence the infrequent posts. Well, there's also been a general lack of motivation to keep this blog going, I must admit. Don't despair, readers, I'm here now and all is right in the universe. Or not. Who am I to say?

Amanda works at my office now or, more aptly put, again. She used to work here years ago and now she's back. It's been great having her here. Lots of laughs, etc.Ah, but when the winter is over, things will be different.

Veronica is making a meal of white fish, roasted sweet potatoes, and sauteed spinach tonight. Should be ready by the time I walk into the door. It's a great thing having a partner who is a chef among other things. I've been eating like royalty. Not a bad way to start the weekend.

Alright, I'm going to wrap this up. Don't feel right doing this at work so....

I'll be back, lovers. Ciao!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Stumbling over melted moonlight

Yeah, so clearly there's been a gap between my last post and this one that's fairly sizable. Well, there are reasons for that, one of which is that I've been preoccupied with Veronica. Who is Veronica? She's the love of my life, the one I'll eventually marry.

Aside from two blocks of time she was away (the last trip, a meditation retreat in PA with no cell phone service was a long five days for the both of us) we've been inseparable.

How did we meet? The answer to that will have to be piecemeal, if proffered at all. There's a lot to cover and I'm not sure I have the ambition to attempt it all in one post. So, we'll see.

It will have to suffice that we knew right away, even before we met in person, that this was going to be special. And it has been. She's everything I've ever wanted, and more, in a mate. She tells me the same is true with me and I believe her.


I'll be back, dear readers.