Monday, December 10, 2012

And he looks to the clouds all pink and disheveled

O' Monday, your rain and fog made staying in bed a serious consideration, but I rose and met you as valiantly as I could and you weren't so severe. Still, I'd like to see your back; thoughts of the weekend already begin to form as the fresh memories of the past one retreat with the tide.

Saturday was Tracy and Ray's second annual pub quiz. Like last year's, it was a success. They put a lot of effort into it and it showed. I was at their house a couple of months ago and Ray was already hatching ideas for the event. Evidently, one of his ideas wasn't figuring out a way to make my team win. My teammates Mike, Kristen, Scott, Eszter, Kat, and I acquitted ourselves with grace and dignity and refused to resort to the cheating and skulduggery the other teams engaged in and hence didn't seed very high. We are victors, though, in our heart of hearts, in our very souls.

I ended up staying over and when Ray and I were discussing the quiz this morning, I discovered that there were segments of it I have no recollection of. Paper airplanes? There was a point in the game we made paper airplanes? Where was I? Why can't I recall? I must have been distracted. Damn it, I just figured it out: I was drugged! I knew heading into the game that because I was on the winning team last year that I'd be a target for the unsavory wretches on the other teams that would do anything, including have sex with Satan himself, to achieve victory. But seriously: drugging me? Ah, children, you've yet to learn that a pure heart can never be vanquished. And that is why I forgive your transgression and will not pursue the matter.

I'll tell you what: I played with a bunch of different kids this weekend and, consequently, my body feels like it just went through a couple of paintball tournaments. At breakfast yesterday, James was having a great time spanking my bottom whenever the opportunity arose. Ray told him not to, that it wasn't polite, but the kid couldn't help himself. At one point, he said to Ray "Can I spank Kevin just one more time?" figuring that if he asked nicely, his request might be granted. Fortunately, Ray said no. And while James was in spank mode, Faith was all about tickling. I might take my case to Dr. Phil; I'm sure he'll be doing a show on bullying some time soon.

After leaving Tracy and Ray's, I headed back to MA to attend my grandmother's 95th birthday party, where there was a plethora of children. I won't go into details, but I got my ass kicked. I came home and took a nap. When I awoke,  I wondered where the weekend had gone. While the party was fantastic, I wasn't able to spend much time with people. Hard to do in that setting. Ah, but I do cherish what time I had with them. That is all you can do.

You know what? I could probably go on, but why waste every one's time? See ya' on the flippity-flip, ye rat bastards.

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