Wednesday, September 28, 2022

It's been a long, long, long time

Well, it appears I've been away a while. Doubtful anyone who used to read this blog will see this, but who knows? Every once in a while I pull up the site and read some old entries. Man, a lot of it is depressing but in the midst of it all I see a stubborn tenacity to get through the shit times. I find myself rooting for past me ("Hang in there, buddy!). 

Obviously, a lot has happened since my last post five years ago. I am still happily married and it still feels like we're in the so-called honeymoon period. We have three cats: Nadja, Tomasin, & Kikuchiyo. Last year around this time, our cat Tasmin passed away way too young. It was an awful experience but we didn't wait too long until we got Nadja, who is eerily like Tasmin in a multitude of ways (What do you expect when you get another tortie?) and Veronica's feline soul mate. 

I'm still working at the same job, albeit remotely for the most part (one of the only good things that came out of the covid nightmare), and living at the same place. We plan on exiting the city and moving up to Maine, hopefully in the spring. I've been here far too long - most people I knew that lived here have moved on - and leaving is more of a necessity than a desire. So much of the world has turned ugly and this place, while it still has its charms, is no different. We'll be happier in a quieter environment. It's fucking noisy here almost constantly. 

Ok, I'm off. Maybe for my own amusement, I'll continue to post here and there despite knowing I will have zero readers other than the weird bots fill the comment section. And hey, if you're a loyal reader that has continued to check for new posts or have been alerted to this post, let me know. 


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